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Because Phar Lap was lifting Australia's spirit when they had a great depression. And eventually Australia currently was requires a hero, so Phar Lap was so important to Australia

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Q: Why was phar lap so important to Australian history?
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How was perseus concieved?

When Zeus poured himself into his mother's (Danae) lap in the form of a golden shower.

Where did the word lap originate from?

The word "lap" comes from origins before C.E. 900. It is derived from the Middle English word lappe and the Old English laeppa. Its Middle English and Old English meanings are akin to the word rag in noun form and patch, mend, fold, and wrap in verb form. It can be traced back to the Latin lambere and to the Greek laptein which means to lick.

How the gods interfered with Dido and Aeneas?

Venus makes Aeneas fall in love with Dido. She sends her son Cupid to take the shape of Ascanius. While on Dido's lap, Cupid makes Dido fall in love with Aeneas. Later on, Jupiter sends Mercury to visit Aeneas and tells him that he must move on to Italy.

What is meaning and Greek myth of tantalise?

Tantalize means to taunt or tempt/sway someone with something. It comes from the greek myth of Tantalus, a man who once invited the greek pantheon to dinner. However, he thought to pull a trick on them, and thus fed them his son. They soon discovered his ruse, and revived his son, giving him a metal arm for Demeter had absent-mindedly chewed it (in some myths she did not, for the thought of them doing such was appalling and contradictory to their image.) For his treachery, Tantalus was sent to Hades, where he was forced to live in the shade of a tree which would revolt if ever he tried to eat it, and water that would recide if he tried to lap it. Thus he was cursed to be forever tantalized, taunted by the unobtainable water, and thus forever starved and thirsty.

When was perseus born?

Perseus was born in a cage. the person above my post is dumb, PErseus was not born in a cage. Zeus Disguised himself as the king and got into the bed with the queen, and the king found out and cursed Zeus so the king sent the pregnant queen into a casket and sailed off into the ocean. The mother died but PErceus was still alive and was found by a fisherman. u guys are all stupid he was born in a cage when his mother had a baby with Zeus then she was put in a treasure trunk that drifted in the ocean and ended up on shore of an island and the kings brother found them and helped raise perseus and did u know the question was when it doesnt have a when its a myth No one knows when Perseus was born. And what happened was that King Acrisius was told by an oracle of Apollo that his daughter, Danae, would have a son who would kill him. He got angry at that so he locked her in a tower with only a small window. She was miserable and that's when Zeus came to her and he turned the cold dark tower into a sunny meadow. The King saw the light shining from the window and ordered his men to tear down a wall so he could get in. When he got in there sat Danae and a baby in her lap. "I named him Perseus" she said. The king got mad and locked them in a chest and cast them out to sea.

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