Without question, the mighty Secretariat. He smashed records in all three races, two which still stand today. His time of 2:24 flat in the Belmont may never be broken.
Secretariat, Man o'War, Zenyatta
Thoroughbred horses were bred to be race horses. They are fast indeed, but it doesnt mean they are the fastest.
find the times
Quarter horses are the fastest horse to run a quarter mile.
no, Cheetah is the fastest land animal.
Thoroughbreds are generally the fastest, as they are the most popular breed of racehorse. Quarter Horses can run the fastest for a quarter of a mile, hence their name, but are not the fastest overall. In other parts of the world, Arabians are also commonly used for racing.
Let's take an assumption, each horse runs at uniform speed every time. They all have different but fixed speed tag. Step 1) Divide the 25 horses into 5 groups. Each group will have 5 horses each. Step 2) Conduct 5 races for the 5 groups. Step 3) Conduct an another race with each group winners. (i.e. Fastest from Group 1, Fastest from Group 2, ... , and Fastest from Group 5) Step 4) Choose the winner from the Step 3. That will be fastest horse. (So, it needs only 6 races to find out the fastest horse of all the 25 horses) Additionally, Step 5) Name the horses as below: {a1,a2,..., a5}--> For the group which has the fastest horse after Step 3 (6th Race) {b1,b2,...,b5}---> For the group which has the 2nd fastest horse after Step 3 {c1,c2,...,c5}----> For the group which has the 3rd fastest horse after Step 3 {d1,d2,...,d5}---> For the group which has the 4th fastest horse after Step 3 {e1,e2,...,e5}---> For the group which has the 5th fastest horse after Step 3 Where according to their speed, a1>a2>..>a5; b1>b2>..>b5; c1>c2>..>c5; d1>d2>..>d5 and e1>e2>..>e5, also, a1>b1>c1>d1>e1, but not necessarily, b1>a2, c1>b2 etc. [Clearly a1 is the fastest horse] Step 6) Conduct a race with a2, a3, b1, b2 and c1 to find out the 2nd fastest and 3rd fastest of all the 25 horses. So, we need to conduct only 7 races to find out the top 3 fastest horses!
Yes they are at long distances (derby) But quarter horses are the fastest horses at 1/4 mile sprints.
Gallop is the horses fastest gait
fastest time
For long distance its between the Thoroughbred and the Mustang but in a quarter mile its the American Quarter Horse (that's whay its their name)
cheetah is the fastest animal in the world