Horse shoes are compulsory in horse racing. If a horse loses a shoe, it is pulled out of the race.
Standardbreds are used for harness racing.
Scuderia Ferrari meaning "Stable Ferrari"(used in horse racing days) or "Team Ferrari"
Aluminum horse shoes are mostly used for Thoroughbred Horse racing.
An open-air stadium in ancient Greece or Rome with an oval track that was used for horse or chariot racing. The word derives from the Greek hippo = horse dromos = passageway.
The sport of horse racing.
Thoroughbreds are often what are thought of most when thinking about racing, but there are racing for other horses like standardbreds, which are used for trotting or pacing races, quarter horse races that go over a quarter of a mile, Arabian racing, appaloosa racing, even mule racing! Many breeds are used for racing.
horse - hoarse
Camel racing, bull fighting, horse polo, elephant polo, dog sled races, horse racing, pigeon shooting, lizard racing, pig racing, equestrian, vaulting
no it can not.
I suspect that either horse racing or some other track event where a photo at the finish would be used to determine the winner.
It's a trotter.