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It's a trotter.

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Q: What is a horse used in harness racing called?
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Light breed of horse used for harness racing?

Standardbreds are used for harness racing.

What is the carriage called that a Trotter horse pulls?

A trotter horse typically pulls a sulky, which is a lightweight two-wheeled cart used in harness racing.

What type of gait do harness racing horses use in their races?

The gaits used by harness racing horses is pacer and trotter

Does a Arabian have to be registered to run in harness racing races the US?

Arabians are not used for harness racing in the US, only Standardbred horses are used for harness racing in the US.

Can a sulky be used in harness racing?

A sulky is always used in harness racing. It is the cart where the jockey sits.

What is a Standerdbred?

A breed of horse heavier than the Thoroughbred, but similar in type. Standardbreds have a calm temperament and are used in harness racing.

What sports are horses used in?

Horses are commonly used in sports like horse racing, show jumping, dressage, eventing, polo, and rodeo. They are also used for activities like endurance riding, vaulting, and horseball.

Who is the oldest jockey in harness racing?

Jockeys ride on the back of thoroughbred horses; standard bred horses used in harness racing have drivers.

What is harness race horse called?

Harness racers may be called Harness horses as a general term. They have two gaits, the pace and the trot. Trotters trot, and Pacer's pace. They could also be called by their individual breeds. In the USA only the Standardbred is used for racing. In other countries they have other breeds such as, but not limited to, Orlov Trotters, Russian Trotters, French Trotters and a few others.

Are horse shoes used in horse racing?

Horse shoes are compulsory in horse racing. If a horse loses a shoe, it is pulled out of the race.

What part of a harness or addition to a saddle goes around a horse's tail and is used to keep the harness or saddle from sliding forward?

It is called the crupper.

What is a basic harness item used to move a horse?

a harness and a saddle