Race horses only have a couple of speeds, fast and faster. During a race the horse uses the fastest gallop he has. Lope, canter or gallop, they are all a three-beat gait.
natural gaits include the walk trot (jog) canter (lope) and gallop
There are 4 gaits (almost) every horse would have Walk Trot Canter Gallop There are 2 gaits most horses do not have Tolt (a gait between a Trot and canter) Flying pace (a fast running walk) (most Icelandic horses have these 2 gaits along with the other 4 gaits, only some other breeds may have those 2 special gaits) (when I said almost in the first line, I meant only a few horses have just three gaits)
Four main gaits:Walk,trot,canter and gallop. But there are other gaits for certain breeds such as the Icelandic. There are also dressage gaits such as extended or collected trot etc. :D Answer four main gaits
If you are speaking of gaits like the Fox Trot and Running walk you will need a specific breed of horse as these gaits cannot be taught to ungaited horses. Also the term gaited is not really correct as all horses have gaits, but the term 'easy Gaited' is correct for horses possessing extra gaits and is becoming much more popular a term.
Foxtrotters have different gaits (speeds) than other horses
Yes, you can. Non-gaited horses can only go the four basic gaits, walk, trot, canter, and gallop. Gaited horses are horses that can do other special gaits, such as the pace, or the tolt. Only certain breeds do that.
Arabian horses have only the basic gaits of most other breeds. they do not have 'easy' gaits like those of 'gaited' horses. Arabians have the ability to walk, trot, canter, and gallop.
Walk, trot, canter and gallop. Some horses (such as Icelandics and Tennessee Walkers) have their own special gaits unique to that certain breed. Eg. Standardbreds pace. Icelandics have the terlt. etc.
all horses have 4 natural gaits- walk, trot, canter, and gallop- each a different speed respectively. other "gaited" horses, such as paso fino and Tennessee walkers, have other gaits custom to their breeds. some include the rack, running walk, and the gait.
The Tolt is a type of ambling gait, many horses amble, but each does it slightly different. The Tolt itself is very comparable to the rack , Largo, or running walk preformed by other breeds. Each breed registry/association calls their horses gaits (Extra easy gaits not standard gaits of walk, trot, canter.) Something different to distinguish it from other breeds.
The gaits used by harness racing horses is pacer and trotter