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The pleasure trot is a medium working trot. The horse should be accepting of the bit with a good head-set, a free swinging shoulder and engaged hocks. Most of all, it should have a pleasing, ground-covering cadence.

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Can you have a walk and trot horse riding competition?

Yes. Riders in Western Pleasure, Equitation, and Dressage can compete in walk/trot classes.

What does reversing at the trot mean?

Reversing at the trot means to change directions while trotting. So you never come out if the trot, but you have changed directions.

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They get the pleasure of the feeling and rush of speed.

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Pleasure, they assume driving for business will be a much more regular affair.

What are the most basic classes that you start from when showing a horse?

Probably a halter class, or, if riding, do a walk/trot pleasure class

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A Piaffe is when the horse is in a highly collected trot on the spot. Likewise, a Passage is when the horse performs this elevated trot while moving forwards.

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1.The Ultimate Driving Machine 2.Sheer Driving Pleasure

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Fahrvergnugin means "Driving Pleasure."

Is the turkey trot named after the short jerky steps turkeys take?

Yes the Turkey Trot was named after Turkey for its short jerky steps it takes while walking.

Does extended trot mean posting trot?

No, posting or rising trot is a way to ride the trot and you can post any type of trot. Extended trot is where the horse lengthens it's trot stride to cover more ground. Typically this causes the trot to smooth out a bit making it easier to sit the trot.

Is working trot rising trot?

No, it's [rein-wise] the space between medium trot and collected trot

What is working trot?

The natural trot for a horse under saddle. It is the normal trot for the horse.