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Q: What are the hands in playing horse race rummy?
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Race horse 'Knotty pine'how tall?

18 hands

How tall was secretariat the race horse?

Secretariat was 16'2 hands high16'2 hands high

What is the size of a race horse?

Well this would depend on what breed of race horse you are asking about. The most common racehorse the Thoroughbred typically ranges from 15 hands to 17.2 hands though some have been known to reach a full 18 hands, though this is extremely rare. Quarter horses, paints and Appaloosa's are sprinters and tend to be a tiny bit shorter than a Thoroughbred at 14.3 to 16.3 hands. Arabians are the smallest at 14 to 16 hands. Akhal-Tekes, though they don't race in the USA they do race in other countries are are around 14.3 to 16.3 hands high.

How do horseback riders use math?

they could use math by having their horse's race time and then by math figuring out what their horse's race time would be. Also, horses are measured in hands, which are measurements of 4inches. How tall a horse is determines if it's a horse or a pony, and there are different competition divisions for horses and ponies.

If the odds of a horse winning a horse race are 2 to 7 then the odds against that horse winning the race are?

If the odds of a horse winning a horse race are 2 to 7 then the odds against that horse winning the race are 7 to 2.

Is the ocean of fire still a horse race?

Yes, it WAS a race, it is no longer a horse race.

Rider of a horse in race?

The rider of a horse in a race is called a Jockey.

What is a race car claimer?

A horse race in which the owner declares before the race how much the horse will be offered for sale after the race.

What are the Origins of the saying it's a one horse race?

Its a one horse race means that it is as easy as winning a race against your own self (horse).

How tall is John Henry?

5'10" would make John Henry (the race horse) 17 and a half hands tall. Looking at photos he was probably average size. about 16 hands...5'4".

What is 1 equals h in a r?

1 Horse in a Race (1 Horse Race)

What part of speech is his horse was trained to race?

"His horse was trained to race." is a simple sentence.