If you think a horse is lame, you should trot it on a lead rope and jog with it to see if it is limping. If you still think the horse is lame, contact a vet.
you make it trot
make it walk or trot
I think you make it gallop, trot, or jump.
Have the horse trot for you!
Trot. When a horse trots, its head stays level unless it has a limp in the front end. When the horse has a limp in the back end one of its hind quarters drops. If it is sound then they are level. When a horse is galloping it has a 'leading leg' - its two sides do not have the same movements so it is difficult to spot a limp.
horses can canter, trot, and walk.
Yes; if it's not visible at the walk, you need to trot the horse in-hand and have someone watching its feet.
horses walk,trot,canter and gallop.
No but they do pace trot and gallop.
a skip. the horses main gaits are walk, trot, canter, and gallop for English horses, but walk, job, lope, and gallop for western