A horse is restricted by the pace it can move its legs. A bike has the advantage of using a gear ratio. And when heading downhill it gets even better. Bikes can hit 80 KMH/50MPH, which a lot more than horses can.
both because with a horse it would depend that if it has been trained like for a race but on a average horse then a dirt bike if faster but see with a dirt bike it depends on the type of engine it has because if the engine is beat up the yes 100% would the horse beat it but if it was a good engine the yes the dirt bike would win but on average it would probably turn out to be the dirt bike would win.
no a horse i tranned to race fast yes.(:
You win...
Ou have to get 3 stars in hills beach and savanna then win 7 races in a row on multiplayer and beat a bronze bike easy? No
The yz would always win because its a 2 stroke race bike. Even the yz85 would beat the crf150r or the crf150f.
Yes. Most Animals Run Faster Than People
Cheetah Jaguar Tiger Cougar Horse Bird Dog Lion
What a stupid question...those six horses would of course beat a single horse if they were of equal strength, but the single horse would beat the 6 horse chariot if it was very strong and the 6 horses were fat and ugly like you.
Well, a throughbred is a breed of horse, and a palamino is the color of a horse. It really depends what kind of horse the palamino is. Lets say it is a quarter horse, it would beat the throughbred for a quarter mile, then it would be tired and get beat bad by the throughbred. Hope that helped!
BC Bike Race was created in 2007.
Race horses only have a couple of speeds, fast and faster. During a race the horse uses the fastest gallop he has. Lope, canter or gallop, they are all a three-beat gait.
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