Yes they get paid too much not only do they get paid for the sports they play they also get paid for their endorsements which only doubles their pay. Porfessional athletes don't even contribute to the forward progress of society. They do not save peoples lives, or help people. All they are are people with a natural talent showing off.
Some athletes do volunteer their personal time and donate to charitable causes. They also help to set good examples to our youth to play sports rather than do drugs.
This is why its very dissapointing when an athlete who is looked up to screws up some how with drugs, drunk driving, steroids etc.
no they dont deserve what they earn. there are fighfighter that risk their lifes to save other lives and they dont get paid half of what athletes are paid. they dont do much just play a sportto entertain. they even make more than the preseident and no athlete can do what the preseident does. they just play a sport and yet they get paid like they save the world
I don't understand. Do you have a problem with the people that make the movies spending their money to make it? Athletes get paid a lot, TV stars get paid alot Where will this end? Personally I have less of a problem with the money that is spent making movies then I have with the money the government seems to make disappear. Food for thought. This seems like a question that is asking for an opinion.
well it depends who sponsors you if it is something like Nike or puma in one race u could get 100,00 so in a year you would get a lot of money .
because their me
however much you fundraise. Its not about the money, so don't expect much.
women can make the same amount of money as men you are so sexist
WE make that cake we got so much does 4 dollars a hour sound?
Normally you don't really make much money appraising mostly you get your money for your actual job, like your a librarian (so you get most of your money from that), but you will go and appraise things too.
athletes are tested so they don't cheat for example certain drugs can make athletes stronger like barry bonds took a drug to make him stronger then he got a ton of home runs
Professional athletes do it because it's their job. The rest do it because they want to, or strive to become a professional.
i think it is 158 million !
because it maces more money