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I believe he ran a 4:23 mile his freshman year.

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Q: What was Alan webb's mile time as a high school freshman?
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What grade is freshman?

Freshman is the first year in high school or college

Are freshmans sixth graders?

No, usually high school freshman start as 9th graders. You can be a freshman in high school but that does have a number grade.

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A Freshman is someone in their first year of high school or collage.

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A short-term goal for many high school freshman is to acclimate themselves to the high school setting. Many high school freshman have a goal just to become familiar with their new setting.

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if u mean high school freshman then that is insane

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What is a freshman's year?

The first year in High School.

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In high school is it freshmen or freshman?

A freshmen or freshman is a 9th grader (first year of high school). Both are correct. Freshmen is plural: "The Freshmen sit in the first rows at the game." Freshman is singular: "The student waiting in the office is a Freshman."

Are freshman high schoolers?

Freshman high schoolers are typically students in their first year of high school, often around 14 or 15 years old. They are adjusting to the new environment, academic expectations, and social dynamics of high school. This is a crucial time for building the foundation for their high school experience.

Can high school freshman join discus teams?

it depends on the school or the state you are in

What is grade for ROTC?

You have to be a freshman in university. If you're referring to the Junior ROTC programme, you have to be a freshman in high school.