Kids shouldn't be cut from school teams unless they are totally rubbish because it might damage their self esteem. Well, that's my view on it.
To influence kids into joining sports.
so the kids get exposed to sports at a young age
Whatever the school says, and nothing but that.
its so kids wont get fat. its the only exercise some kids get. also people love sports like me
of course because if you dont have a sports team kids will get fat like a person i know(:yes because elementary probably wanna learn how to do sports that wouldn't be fair if only middle and high school gets sports no fairYES! I think sports are a great way to get young children active, and I most definently think that sports teams would be excellent in elementary schools, so kids can get ready for school sports in middle and high school.
Sports should be allowed in school because many reasearchers studied and di tests to kids that did sports and to kids who didn't the kids that played sports got a much better grade. Also, it helps with physical atributes but also mental
it should be a school sport because the kids that like baseball can play for the school
yes they should because then they can relax
it teaches teaches social skills
Why dont kids play sports in high school?
It helps kids develop their muscles.