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Q: Last losing record in Atlantic Coast Conference for the University of North Carolina?
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Has Oklahoma state ever played usc in football?

Well, since USC might mean the University of Southern California or the University of South Carolina ... Oklahoma State has never played the University of Southern California in football and has played the University of South Carolina twice, losing in the 1979 regular season and winning the 1984 Gator Bowl.

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Oklahoma won the most games in NCAA football history. They had th longest win streak in 1934-1936 with 40 wins before losing in their conference to Texas.

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Yes. They were the #1 seed in the Western Conference and defeated Minnesota and Dallas in the first two rounds before losing to the Lakers in the Conference finals.

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I would guess all of them since to make it to the Super Bowl a team has to win its conference championship game.

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What is Lou holtz record against the university of Alabama?

3-3. 0-1 as head coach of Arkansas, losing the 1980 Sugar Bowl. 1-1 as head coach of Notre Dame, winning in the 1987 regular season and losing in the 1986 regular season. 2-1 as head coach of South Carolina, winning in the 2001 and 2004 regular seasons and losing in the 2000 regular season.

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NFL team do not give rings to teams that lose the Super Bowl. Losing teams get a Conference Championship ring for wining their conference championship game, but not one for participating in the Super Bowl.

What southeastren football team was ranked in the top 5 before losing to South Carolina?

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Is Alabama still number 1 after losing to South Carolina?

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Mountain State University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. The University is under a Show-Cause Order from the Commission.

How many votes did Hillary Clinton get from South Carolina?

Hillary Clinton received 855,373 votes to Donald Trump's 1,155,389 votes, losing South Carolina's 9 electoral votes.