If you throw javelin fairly far, and you are a girl on top of that, you are very likely to be recruited for college. The likelihood of achieving a full scholarship, however, for just javelin, is unlikely. I consistently threw in the high 120s in high school, and was recruited by many colleges. I ended up with a 3/4 scholarship to a very prestigious NCAA Division 1 school, but I think the fact that I knew how to throw discus and shot put also helped. If you are a girl and throw javelin, there's a high chance you'll get recruited. There aren't many states that throw javelin in high school, so the pool of colleges is rather large compared to the number of elite high school javelin throwers. My advice to you is to stick with it and focus on becoming better every day. Also, be open to all of the colleges recruiting you and build good relationships with each no matter what division they are. Some D3 programs are better than some at the D1 level and sometimes they can offer more "financial aid." Good luck!
--Fellow Javelin Thrower
The person who uses a javelin or participates in the sport is called a javelin thrower. The javelin throwers throw the javelin by the use of their hands.
The force put into a javelin throw varies and depends on the individual's strength, technique, and speed generated during the throw. Elite javelin throwers can generate over 6000 N (around 1350 lbs) of force at the moment of release.
Throwing a javelin at the optimal angle. Throwing a javeline at the optimal angle is throwing a javelin at the angle which the air flows efficiently around the javeline.The center of pressure is the aerodynamic force of drag and lift on the javelin.before the 1986 change in javelins , some of the best throwers in the world would throw the javelin with as little as 30 degree angle but greater speed because they were able to hold onto the javelin for longer , producing more force . Good throwers still use this method but the most commen method is releasing the javelin at about a 40 degree angles,causing a longer flight for the javelin.
The current men's world record in the javelin throw is held by Jan Železný from the Czech Republic. He set the record on May 25, 1996, with a throw of 98.48 meters. Železný is considered one of the greatest javelin throwers of all time.
in javelin you throw a long sick with a point called ajavelin
to throw a javelin you need a tight grip and an accurate aim also a powerful throw
Are you a guy? Had a meet today, threw 113. I'd say that's pretty good. But if you are aiming to be on track to throw 200, 130 would be better. If you can manage 125, you might have a good chance on making sectionals (/districts)...depending on your location.
The Javelin Throw.
world record javelin throw under 13s
No. A javelin thrower cannot throw a javelin 30 kilometers. That's 30,000 meters.
It is the Javelin.
The objective of Javelin is to throw the javelin over the greatest possible distance.