"fútbol", but this would be called "soccer" in the US. What we call "football" would be "fútbol americano".
En espanol, Da me, el futbol, essay!
yo juego futbol
Me gusta fútbol americano
Me gusta futbol americano y futbol
"Quiero jugar fútbol"Note that in countries where spanish is spoken "fútbol" means soccer, not football (as in American Football) although the pronunciation is the same
Me gustan 'lacrosse' asi como futbol
Football in Spanish is fútbol. :)
Me gusta el equipo de futbol Jets
It depends on what you wanna say by "player" like "ladysman" player or videogame player or football player.
"je n'aime pas le football"
Me gusta jugar con los amigos.