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"je n'aime pas le football"

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14y ago

j'aime joue au foot.

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Q: How do you say i like to play football in french?
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How do you say play football in french?

to play football is jouer au foot, jouer au football in French. To play football - Jouer au foot ball in french

How do you say you play football in french?

la foot, or la football. :D

How do you say 'to play soccer' in French?

To play soccer is "jouer au foot / au football" in French.

How do you say I like football in French?

j'aime le football

How do you say I do not like to play soccer in french?

Je n'aime pas jouer au football. Ou(Or)- Je déteste jouer au football.

How do you say I also love to play football in French?

J'aime aussi jouer au football.

How do i say 'did you play football' in french?

'est-ce que tu as joué au football ?"

How do you say i play for a football teamin french?

Je joue pour une équipe de football.

How do you say i don't play in french?

je deteste jouer au football

How do you say I do not like football in French?

Je n'aime pas le foot / le football.

What is the French word for the English word Soccer?

football, like in the United Kingdom. Use "football américain" if you want French people to think of what Americans call football.The French word for it is football. The French do not translate the word football and just directly say le football when they are talking about football.

How do you say they like soccer in french?

Ils/Elles aiment le football.