there are 1000's of disabled of athletes in the world, that compete in sports
The responsibilities of professional athletes are to train hard and stay in shape. They are supposed to practice the sport and not let personal things get in the way of their game.
On average, jockeys are the smallest group of professional athletes, as horse racing is a sport where small size is an advantage.
Because the economy doesn't focus on mlb and how much money they make.
Micheal Jordan
out of all male athletes only 0.45% make it to professional leagues and 93% of males attempt to play a sport in a leaughe of some level at least once
My question is,"If you took all professional athletes in every sport and combined their salaries, not bonuses, just salaries, and averaged them out for each athlete what would it be?
Depending on what sport you are talking about, it all varies but usually 1 in 1,000 athletes become professional if not 1 in 1,0000
The sport that is associated with Lennox Lewis would be the great and famous sport of professional boxing. Boxing has housed some of the greatest athletes of all time!
Whatever sport you can name that Americans play, there is a good chance the Russians also play that sport.