Usually, 5Km (3.1 miles) or 10 Km (6.2 miles)
Depends on the age group. As you get older you have to run farther.
There is cross country running, which is long distance running (4k, 5k, 8k 10k) k is kilometers. and there is also cross country skiing, which is long distance skiing.
A cross-country runner is a runner who trains and races in a long distance race. The distance are usually 5k and up.
the sport of long distance cross country running
2 miles
usally 2 miles
A cross-country road trip is means that you travel across a country.(typically in a car) The distance traveled is completely up to the driver.
A cross-country road trip is means that you travel across a country.(typically in a car) The distance traveled is completely up to the driver.
according to the FAR's it is 50 miles.
22.530816 KM
the answer is either a marthon or cross country.
It allowed railroads to form a cross-country network.
The long-distance cross-country skiing.