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Q: What is a beginners run time for 10k?
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How many miles is a 10k distance?

A 10K run is 10 kilometers long, which is the equivalent of 6.2 miles. It's double the distance of a 5K, which is another popular race distance. If you've never run a race before, a 5K race is a good introduction to road racing for beginners.

What is a good time for 21 year old to run 10k?

9.86 seconds. thats what i did

Do you have to run in a 10k or can you walk?

It's perfectly OK to walk in most 10k races (although more people will be running than walking), especially if the race is titled "10k run/walk." However, if it's specifically called a "10k run," you might want to email the race organizers and ask if it's OK to walk. Sometimes a race has a "5k run/walk" and a "10k run," meaning that you can run and/or walk in the 5k but can only run in the 10k. Basically, it's most likely that walking is totally fine. It's not like they can disqualify you for walking, anyway.

Why do you need to do runs longer than 10K to train for a 10k?

Because you will build up a lot more endurance so that you can run faster for a longer period of time. Also, the longer your longest run is, the shorter the race distance will seem.

What is the average 10k time?

The average time is around 50 mins depending on how skilled you are. If you set yourself at a good steady pace and are at a moderate fitness level you should be able to run 10k in an hour or less.The average finish time to finish a 10k road race in about 60 minutes.No matter what your ability is, you should not feel that you need to be able to run at a certain speed to do 10k road race. Organizers consciously keep in mind that there are runners of varying ability and most organizers cater for all types.

How many kilometers are in a 10K run?


What distance is a 10k run?

10 Kilometers!

How long is the great north run?


Can someone run a 10k in 3 weeks if they can currently run 3.5 miles?

If The person in question trained hard enough and at a steady pace in 3 weeks time they may be able to run 10Km in one go. that's not what he/she question shithead no u cant run a 10k in 3 weeks u have to eat and drink

How long to run 10k if you run at 8k per hour?

It would take 1 hour and 15 minutes to run 10k at a pace of 8k per hour.

How many meters is a 10k run?

A 10k run is approximately 10,000 meters in distance.

How fast can you run 10k at 44.172kilometes per hour?

Human beings cannot run 44.172 km per hour (yet). However, if they could, it would take 13.6 minutes to run a 10k.