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9.86 seconds. thats what i did

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Q: What is a good time for 21 year old to run 10k?
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What is a good 10k running time for a 70 year old male?

1 hr 3 minutes

What is the fastest 10k ever run by a 13 year old?

33:29 official time in Canberra Times fun run 2012. Distance is an official race distance for race. Joshua was 13 years old. A good time for a 13-14 would be sub 40 minutes, 37 mins would be brilliant.

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Good time for average 16 year old boy: 12.5s Average time for average 16 year old boy: 13s Average time for a good 16 year old boy: 11.5s Good time for a good 16 year old boy 11s

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A good time for a 12 year olds bedtime would be around half ten.

What is a good time for a 13 year old boy?

My 13 year old has a pop time of 2.2 at 90 ft bases. I hear that's pretty good

Is 1.50 a good time for an 11 year old 600metres?

It is quite good.

What is a good 40 time for a 10 year old?

A good 40 time for a 10 year old would depend on their height and weight; however if they can get or under a 6 that would be fantastic.

Is 6 min 45 sec a good 1 mile time for an 8 year old boy?

that is a great time for an 8 year old

What is the fastest 10K race for a twelve year old?

The fastest 5K for a 12-year-old girl is 16:17, according to the No Excuses 5K. (14:52 for 12-year-old boys.)

What is a good 10k race time?

It depends on who you are. I'm a 50 year old man, trying to reduce my time from 60 minutes this Spring to 50 minutes before the end of the year. For me, 50 minutes would be great. When I was in my late teens and early twenties, an under 40 10K would brand you as a serious runner, and I got close at 41 minutes. I did a marathon that same summer in 3:44. My 20 year old son, who is trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon, has never run a 10K in over 40 minutes. For him, over 40 minutes is bad.

Is a five and half mile run in fifty minutes good for a forty year old male?

That depends on how long you have been training for. I am 46 and run 10k or 6.2 miles on average 40 mins each time. hope that helps, training is the key to improving.

Is 24 secs a good time for 25m breastsroke?

This time i good for a 11 year old but for 13 and over this is a poor time.