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I'd say around 40-45mins if u can keep the same speed.

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Q: If you can run a 5k in 20 minutes how fast would you be able to run a 10k in?
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How long will it take to complete a 10K?

This definitely depends... Walking (20 min/mile) = about 124 minutes Beginners (11-13 min/mile) = 68-80 minutes Average (8-11 min/mile) = 49-68 minutes Fast (5-7 min/mile) = 31-43 minutes Most NORMAL people probably run about 9-12 min/mile... Just to estimate. Keep in mind that your 10k pace will be slower than, say, your 5k pace, because it's a longer distance. If you know your pace per mile (example 10:32), just multiply it by 6.2 to get your estimated 10k time. Your actual time, however, will be at least 30 seconds slower.