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Q: How long will it take to run 5k at 11kmh?
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How long should it take for a beginner to run a 5k run?

When I ran my first 5k I took 45 minutes. I think around that time.

How long should it take to run 5k?

If you're talking about the actual time it takes to physically run a 5k (and not how long it would take to train for one), it's about 30 minutes. 5k is around 3.1 miles, so if you average 10 minutes per mile, it's 30 minutes total.

How long will it take to run a 5k race running at 14k per hour?

Around 21 minutes and 40 seconds

How long is a 5k walk in miles?

A 5k run is 3.1 miles

How many miles is a 5K run?

A 5K run is a distance of 3.11 miles.

How long does a 5K take?

It depends on how long you take to move! A 5K is 3.1 miles. If you walk it briskly, you can do it in 50-60 minutes. If you run/jog it, it could take you as little as 35 minutes. ------------------------------------------------------------------ I've done a 5k before, a 5k is 3.1 miles. I've only done it once and it took me 28 minutes and 45 seconds. I'm gonna do another 5k this Saturday (April 13th 2013) and I will see how long it takes me. By the way, I am 13 years old and I have done cross-country for two years In September 2013 I will be team captain, my point is I am in shape. Your time in cross-country races like 5k's all depend how in shape you are.

How long for a 44 year old to run a 5k?

A 5k is about 3 miles. My mother did one and she is 44 and regular weight. She finished in about 45 minutes but i would say if you were a little on the heavier side then it would take about 60 to 75 minutes.

Am I too old to take part in the 5k races?

Age is of very little importance to running a 5K race. As long as you are in good shape and are confident in your ability to complete your goal, you are able to take part in a 5K race.

What is the distance of a 5k run?

5K Or for those that are metric impaired 3.1 miles

How do you speed up your 5k run time?

Run faster

What is a 5k mile run?

3.1 miles

What percentage of Americans run a 5k?