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Cross country running demands the body to work its best.

A good diet consists of:

  • Carbohydrates: whole wheat breads, bagels, pastas
  • Proteins: nuts - almonds, lean meats, peanut butter (natural)
  • Fruits: bananas are excellent, apples, anything
  • Vegetables: spinach, broccoli
  • Dairy: chocolate milk after runs, yogurt.

Don't eat:

  • processed "carbs" like donuts.
  • sweetened anything

A cross country runner needs to carefully watch their diet. Carbohydrates are excellent to stock up enough energy to run, but also be ware of eating too little or not getting enough calcium, protein of vitamins.

I recommend taking calcium supplements (like Tums) and a multivitamin everyday as well.

If you're a Vegetarian, be extra careful. Check up on your iron level often with you doctor and be aware of your body's needs and aches.

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Q: Good diet for a cross country runner?
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What is a healthy diet for a cross country runner?

Well, you must be getting in alot of mileage so eat alot of carbs like pasta or bread. Also take in some fat , but limit it . Drink alot of fluids , stay away from soda .

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Eat fruit for snacks!Meals you have a bit of meat and lots of vegatables!And keep carrying on like that until the actual start of the Marathon!

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