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People in the doth are stupid

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Q: Are people from the north taller than people from the south?
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How many times taller is Europe and Russia from north to south than the Unite States mainland?

i dont know ! someone help me! ):

Do most of the people live in the north or south?

More people live north of the Mason Dixon line than south of it

Can people grow taller than eight feet.?

yes it is possible for people to grow taller than 8 feet.

Is sheffield in the north?

Sheffield is in South Yorkshire which most people consider to be in the North.

In America are people in the north smarter than people in the south?

It used to be more common to find more educated people in the North than South, but that didn't mean everyone in the South was stupid and uneducated. Nowadays there isn't really a region that's more excelled than another.

Are people in the north of England have larger families than people in the south?

no, they're gorillas.

Which has more people north or South Korea?

North Korean population (2009 est.) : 23,906,000 South Korean population (2009 est.) : 48,379,392 South Korea has more than twice as many people as North Korea.

Who has a population of more than 40 million people north or south Korea?

South Korea Has over 40 Million people

Who is the author of do taller people run faster than shorter people?

the author of do taller people run faster then shorter people is Jim Liffer

What economic advantages did the north have the south?

The North was much more advanced and industrialized than the South. Whilst the South was more agricultural. The North produced more weapons. Plus, the North had much more people, while in the South, most people were spread out, living two or three miles away from each other.

Why people hate the south?

Because they do things differently than the north that we dont like

Do taller people have a larger lung capacity than shorter people?
