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Alternating Possession Arrow Rules

The alternating possession rule is a method of putting the ball in play with a throw-in rather than a jump ball.

On the score bench there will be some method of indicating which team will gain possession of the ball when the next jump ball occurs, (this will vary from stadium to stadium from lights to arrows or a box with an arrow etc.)

The game will commence with a jump ball

Switch the arrow to point in the direction of the goal of the team which does NOT obtain control of the initial jump ball.

The team to be awarded the ball for the alternating possession throw-in shall be indicated by the alternating possession arrow (ie next time there is a jump ball situation the team with the arrow pointing in their direction is awarded the ball for the throw-in at the point closest to where the jump ball situation occurred).

The direction of the arrow is reversed immediately when the alternating possession throw-in ends.

At the beginning of the second half (or each quarter if playing quarters) the team entitled to the next alternating possession shall be awarded the throw-in.

The player taking the throw-in shall have one foot on either side of the centre line and shall be entitled to pass to a player anywhere on the court. Once this has happened remember to reverse the direction of the arrow.

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