South Africa And if you don't believe me ask Bakkies Botha
Most of the top players have come from Russia.
According to Wikipedia, Australia is.
India. The one best producing mica country.
Oahu HI, USA....... PERIOD
Some famous players who failed to get a call for their country are Steve Bruce, Giovanni Elber, Artur.
In football the manager of the National side will pick the best players from the country to qualify for this you have to either have been born in the country or have a blood relative which then makes you eligible.
Swaziland is the best country for badminton, the best players are Matthew Walker and Gina Wick who play mixed doubles together. They are notorious for having sex on the court after every game which most of the fans enjoy
"Du bist der beste Squash Spieler"
Best is a judgement and you are the judge. When Mother Nature produces diamonds, she is not aware of human political boundaries.