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Q: What sports both china and Australia play?
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Sports and Leisure Activities in Australia?

because america came to australia and showed them how to play everthing only america can play the sports

How many sports do they play?

China Plays 16 different sports

What sports does australia play?

they play football,cricket and rugby

What do china play for sports?

eating rice

Do the Germans play the same sports the English do?

yes, they both play sports such as football but then they both have different sports

What is the percentage of people who play sport in Australia?

Approx: 50-85% play sports in Australia.

What sports did Aboriginals in Australia play?


What sports did people in ancient China play?


What sports do children play in Australia?

Common children's sports include:cricketsoccertouchAFLvolleyballkick-itlacrosserugbyhockeyswimmingnetballbasketballsoftballt-ballbaseball

What sports can you play in Australia but not in the US?

Cricket, Australian Rules football and Touch are the most common sports played in Australia but not in the USA.

Does china anne mcclain play any sports?

yes she does

How many sports does China have?

there are 3 sports that china play. One of them are Baseball,Badminton,Ping Pong,Diving,Gymnastics<football(soccer).