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Q: What is the most play in Britain?
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What is the most played sport in Britain?

If you consider it a sport, I am pretty sure Darts is the most played sport in Britain. Most British pubs have a dartboard on it and people often play. Games like Football and Cricket for example, you can only play until a certain age so that knocks off at least half of the population. If you mean, what sport is played the most on a regular basis, then it is Darts.

What sports do the people in Britain play?

Mostly soccer or as they call it in Britain Football. The Brits also play cricket, rugby, badminton and croquet.

What role did great Britain play in the conflict to come?

Great Britain was a bystander in the Holocaust.

What place in Britain has the most rain?

west Britain

Which island is the most northerly in Britain?

The Island of Unst is the most northerly island on Britain.

What role does Britain play in Canadia government?


What role does Britain play in Canadian government?

i dont no

What kind of people play croquet?

People in Britain

What is the most watched show in Britain?

The most watched TV show in Britain is Coranation Street. Coronation!!

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what is the most interesting fact about the history of the railways in britain

What role did great Britain's colonies play in causing the industrial revoltion?

They provided Britain’s factories with raw materials.

Would you find a blackbird in the wild in Britain?

Yes in most of Britain