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People in Britain

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Q: What kind of people play croquet?
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How do you use croquet in a sentence?

in parris people play croquet for fun made this for fun =D

How many people play croquet?

There is no exact number of people who play croquet worldwide as participation can vary greatly depending on location and individual interest. Croquet is a popular recreational sport in some regions, but is not as widely played as other sports.

Why was croquet invented?

Croquet was invented as a fun way to let out frustrations. It was intended to be a soothing sport for people to play.

How you play croquet not soccer?

To learn Croquet you have to learn the rules of Croquet and play accordingly. Soccer is a completely different game.

How awesome is croquet?

not awesome at all. ( unless you play croquet like in Alice in wonderland )

How do you play the game croquet?

There are several different types of croquet, including the one played in a backyard.

When did croquet start?

While there is debate, croquet was most likely invented in France in the 14th century.

What is the stick to play croquet with called?


What sports do the people in Britain play?

Mostly soccer or as they call it in Britain Football. The Brits also play cricket, rugby, badminton and croquet.

What is the name of the place you play croquet?

A playing court .

When did the first woman play croquet at the Olympics?

That was the 1900 Games in Paris. 1900 was the only year croquet was an Olympic event.

What time do you play croquet?

12.00 am to 2.00 pm if more then 2 people if less then 2 then its 12.00 am to 12.50 am if 6 people are playing then 12.00 am to 2.30 i hope that answered when to play