The law says, buckle up, or you get fined, no cigarette smokingit causes cancer, eat organic foods for quality life, do not pass a red light, you may cause an accident and kill someone, take vitamins, get a check up every year, exercise daily for good health and how about eliminate professional boxing to end brain damage, loss of vision, loss of teeth, dislocated jaws, broken noses and downright PUNCHY. How come the field of boxing has never been an issue that causes abuse to the human body and brain. I say NO MORE PROFESSIONAL BOXING and give their mothers relief from watching their sons get beat up. What can we do to end this brutal game.........
If boxing were to be banned, then people would turn to street fighting which is far more violent and agonizing than boxing. Also the boxers know they will be hurt - they even sign a contract releasing the organizers of any injuries. They are consenting adults and responsible for themselves. That's why boxing shouldn't be banned.
boxing first was banned in Paris !!!!!!
ice skating is banned on boxing day
its fun its intense and it makes soccer players look like sissys
No.its absolutely wrong because it is a sport nd women r nt inferior
Women's boxing was first established in 1904. Although, for most of the twentieth century it was banned in most nations.
No because it gives entertainment to the world. If it should be banned then why would it be in the Olympics? The TV shows are not real and the actual sport has so much health and safety involved in it these days there is almost no painful moves involved. If it was banned then a big percentage of almost every country would be unimpressed and some may even riot against the idea.
zoos should not be banned
Boxing was first contested as a full Olympic sport at the 1904 Olympics. It has been contested in every Olympics since, with the exception of the 1912 games, held in Stockholm, Sweden - where boxing was banned at the time.
they should be banned because there very unhealthy
yes i think that it should be banned.