Fencing can have 2 definitions: Those wooden/vinyl posts around your property, or fighting with long weapons (generally swords).
From the Online Etymology dictionary:
fence (v.) "fight with swords," 1598, first recorded in "Merry Wives of Windsor"; from the noun in this sense (1533), see fence (n.). fence (n.) c.1330, shortening of defens (see defense). Spelling alternated between -c- and -s- in M.E. Sense of "enclosure" is first recorded 1512. Fencible (c.1325) means "capable of making a defense.""Fencing" is derived from Latin "defensa", meaning "protection". It moved into English from Old French "defens", and then through usage became shortened to "fens" in the 14th century. by the 16th century "schools of defense" were common throughout Europe, and "fencing" was well established as a particular type of sword fighting.
No. its called fencing.
A sword fight would be the simplest way to call it. Fencing is the verb.
Fencing uses a foil (sword).
The use of a sword as a world wide sport is called fencing. This sport is featured in the modern Olympic games and has originated in African continent.
Fencing i think
The weapon used for training in the fencing duel era was called the foil (fleur). It is still used as one of the 3 weapons for fencing today, although it has never historically been a real weapon used for combat. There isn't a training sword in fencing. Originally the foil (see above) before the sport fencing - like we know it now - exsisted. Now you choose a weapon (like the foil) and train with that. So in fencing there is no training sword.
Sword, Armyng sword, (Arming sword), grete sword (grete, meaning great, ie, big), Fawchoun. (Falchion, curving sword), Tuck (Estoc, a thrusting sword). The word sword comes from the Old English sweord, cognate to swert, Old Norse sverð, from a Proto-Indo-European root *swer- "to wound, to cut". several other names could be used. but generally just "sword" on its own.
They are called Fencers.
The Renaissance fencing sword was a narrowed bladed sword called a 'Rapier'.
the sport of fencing essentially comes from swordfights, which have existed since swords were created.
The answer depends on your definition of fencing. Modern fencing, also called Olympic fencing, originated in France.
A little bit. Kendo is believed to have somewhat influenced modern-day fencing. However, most of fencing simply came from sword fighting that evolved into a sport.