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You don't need to have a karate expert to break a block of wood, but it is definitely better to have someone who is experienced to do it. Would you rather have an experienced karateka break a board, or have an unexperienced karateka break it and end up breaking their self (such as hand, or foot) because they don't know how to properly break it?

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Q: Why do you need a karate expert to split a block of wood?
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the air has a lot of intermolecular space between them so yuo can easily move your hand through it. But the block of wood has the particles tightly packed and hence you need a karate expert to break the block of solid wood.

You can easily move your hand in air but to do the same through a solid block of wood you need a karate expert?

Moving your hand through air encounters minimal resistance, making it easy. However, a solid block of wood is dense and has more substance, requiring precise technique and power to break it. A karate expert has the skill and training to harness the necessary force and focus to break through the block effectively.

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You don't need physcal requiremants in karate. Karate is a place to learn not qualify.

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You need karate the most when your in middle school or high schools that way you dont get into drugs and bad things or be around bad influences!

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The Karate King can be found in Mt.Mortar in Pokemon Gold. You will need the HM moves Surf and Waterfall to reach the part of the cave where the Karate King is training.

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you can practice karate and also dance but you just need interest to learn it.

What equipment is needed for a child going into their first karate lesson?

They will need a uniform which consists of the robe, pants, and belt. This can usually be purchased at the karate class.

Why karate so important?

it is self defense in case you ever need it

How many people does karate need?

Two, it requires a teacher and a student.