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because they have a way of speaking to their listeners that no other artist can do

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Q: Why do people like icp?
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Related questions

Does icp hate gay people?

No, icp has nothing against gays, vice interviewed icp asking if they have a promblem with gays and they said absolutely not they say they know loads of gays and are as cool as hell, icp also said hating is like being racist it just doesn't make any sense.

Who cares about icp?

Actually alot of people care about icp.. they are a great band and have a powerful message

Is icp really bad people?

yes because you just asked this question so they are coming for you.!!!!!BEWARE OF ICP!!!!!!! Lol no, Shaggy and Violent Jay are not really bad people. There just people who went through some bad things during there childhood. To learn more about ICP go to the search box above, and type in ICP. Peace_Scene {loves ICP and is a Juggalette}

How do you rap like Insane clown posse?

You don't rap like the Insane Clown Posse no body can. Only ICP can rap like ICP

What is icp's message?

even though people will fight me on this icp's message is about god and how people out there can hurt you and trying to find a way into heaven aka shangri-la :)

Who do you like more eminem icp or mickey Avalon?

It's between Eminem & ICP but if I really had to chose it would be Eminem

Who has more albums out then icp?

mainly japanese artists like buckethead and merzbow have a LOT more albums than icp

Do people hate icp?

no becuz people mostly love rap

Where is ICP from?


Why is icp bad?

They are not bad, just bad to some people, some people who dont like to hear about murder, drugs, sex, and what really happens here in America

Where has icp toured?

like in lotzofplaces so much i can`t say

What does insane clown posse look like with no make up?

they would look like ordinary people. as anyone else would without they makeup on..