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pork chop

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Pork chop.

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Q: Why did the pig go to karate school?
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How should my joke end did you hear about the pig who dud karate?

This is a joke about what do you call a pig that does karate? Yes, its name is Pork Chop!

Where does the American flag go on the karate gi?

In my Karate school the American flag goes on our right shoulder.

What is a pig joke?

What kind of pig knows karate? A pork chop!

What do you get when you cross a pig and karate?

Pork chops

What do you call a pig that dose karate?


What do you get when you cross a pig and karate master?

Pork chops

What do you get when you cross a karate master and a pig?

Pork chops

What do you call a pig that does karate?

A Pork Chop

When was Karate High School created?

Karate High School was created in 2004.

How many stripes are there in karate?

That will depend on the school and style of karate. Some schools do not have stripes and simply go from one solid color to another.

If I was a pig where would I go to school?

My frying pan.

What is a good excuse to miss karate?

That depends on your school and the reason you are missing it. Do you want to miss karate and are looking for a reason not to go? Remember that the hardest part is getting in the car. Our Sensei says, "Family is most important, School is most important, then karate."