That depends on your school and the reason you are missing it.
Do you want to miss karate and are looking for a reason not to go? Remember that the hardest part is getting in the car.
Our Sensei says, "Family is most important, School is most important, then karate."
An excuse to miss work would be something like a doctor's visit, a child's illness, or important family event.
Excuse Me Miss was created in 2002-06.
Chris Brown recorded the song "Yo (Excuse Me Miss)" in 2005, at the age of 16. One may find the lyrics to "Yo (Excuse Me Miss)" on the A-Z Lyrics website.
maegan good trina lisa raye
Miss Piggy , she knows karate .
Not at all, provided you have a valid excuse and that you did your practice at home.
Cutting edge is a great karate school in walnut creek califorina. They have five tardions Akkido, judo, jujitu (sorry about the miss spellings) Tae won do and shotakon
You've been getting bullied heaps and today you just couldn't handle it.
Not all Asians are good at karate. People who learn and constantly practice karate will eventually become good at the martial art.
Yo ( Excuse Me Miss)
Yo (Excuse me Miss)