you cant
ur dance cant b less than 2 minz long ..... no back flips, no fallin, u must be at least 15 years to compete,
no they cant
you can back hand in boxing but it is not advisable as you have no means to defend yourself you can back hand in boxing but it is not advisable as you have no means to defend yourself
you can you have a B's and cs i believeWell Actually I Know For A Fact That Level 7s Cant Compete C Skills I Was Just Wondering Why They Cant.!!
The rising action is Antonio and Felix finds out they have to compete against each other in a boxing make so they promise to stay friends after the fight and they cant hold no punches from one another during the fight to make the fight even
Cant you answer that
because they just cant hehe.
no that is a stupid thing to say monkeys cant box
iceice baby
Because the rules are stupid