· Yankees - New York Yankees (MLB) · yachting · yards after catch (football) · yew (archery) · yurchenko loop (gymnastics) · yurchenko vault (gymnastics)
Yew is a term in archery. Yards after a catch is a football term. Yachting is a sport term. Yurchenko vault is a gymnastics term.
It means full twisting yurchenko.
Frederick Jahn invented the gymnastics vault.
you run towards a table vault and do a round off ona spring board then do a backhandspring on the table and either land it ortwist off
The gymnastics horse is also known as the vault table. The horse is at the end of a run way to vault over.
Gymnastics Vault is about 5 by 4.
you flip over it
the percentage of people doing the vault in gymnastics is 97 % :D hope it helps x
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# Tsukahara # Half on # Handspring # Yurchenko # Rudi