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Q: What are the dimensions for the vault in women's gymnastics?
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Related questions

What are the events in womens gymnastics?

vault, balance beam, uneven parallel bars, and the floor routine

What are some events in the womens gymnastics stuff?

events include: vault, floor, beam, and uneven bars.

What are the Gymnastics worldwide events?

In womens: Beam Bars Floor Vault In mens: High bar Vault Floor Parallel bars pommel horse rings

What are the different areas in gymnastics?

For rythimic gymnastics there is ball, hoop, ribbon, freehand and clubs. For artistic womens there is beam, vault, uneven bars and floor. For artistic mens there is rings, vault floor, paralell bars, mushroom and horse.

Who invented the gymnastics vault?

Frederick Jahn invented the gymnastics vault.

What are the women's Olympic events in gymnastics?

The 4 main events in womens all around gymnastics are 1. Floor 2. Vault 3. Bars 4. Beam

What does gymnastics horsemeans?

The gymnastics horse is also known as the vault table. The horse is at the end of a run way to vault over.

What was kerri strug score in the 1996 us womens gymnastics vault?

9.712 Strug's 9.712 came on her second vault in the team all-around competition after having severely injured her ankle on the first vault. After the competition, medical tests revealed a sprain and two torn ligaments.

How big is the gymnastics vaulting table?

Gymnastics Vault is about 5 by 4.

What do you do on vault in gymnastics?

you flip over it

What is the percentage of people doing vault in gymnastics?

the percentage of people doing the vault in gymnastics is 97 % :D hope it helps x

Who won the womens gymnastics over all winner?

Gabby Douglas won the all around title for womens gymnastics.