WWE Kelly Kelly is 24 years old
Kelly Kelly is 25
She was 19 when she joined WWE in 2006. (born 1997)
25 year old ,
Early 20's.
Kelly Kelly is 25 years old (birthdate: January 15, 1987).
I think it's Kelly Kelly
No unless it's a really old movie
about 23 years old
Barbara Jean 23 years old
Barbara "Barbie" Blank, aka Kelly Kelly of the WWE, is 27 years old (birthdate January 15, 1987).
Kelly Kelly - real name Barbara Jean Blank was born on January 15, 1987. This makes her 26 years old as of now. She is a former professional wrestler/diva in the WWE. She was one of the most popular diva's in the WWE and had a huge fan following. She is a former Divas champion in the WWE.