It is not possible to give a definitive answer. There are so many organizations that have their championships, and so many people that have held titles.
I think Jet Li is the best at martial arts
Martial Artists
National Association of Professional Martial Artists was created in 1994.
This is actually a tricky question. First we would have to decide how a martial artist should be rated to be the best in the world. Would it be based on the ability to win a match, difficulty of mastering the art, which provides the most practical application, etc.To honestly answer a question like this you would first have to know who every martial artist in the world is, and what their capacity is to perform their own art, rated by their own system and then compared to others.In short, it would almost be impossible to find "the best in the world". There are many who would immediately answer "Bruce Lee", but this isn't really a valid answer. Now if someone were to ask:"who is the best martial artist in the world, out of a list of the famous martial artists in the world"You would have to consider that even among the famous martial artists, many practice different arts and would have to be ranked in their own martial arts system, and then compared to other martial arts, and even after that some might say they would need to fight each other.Unfortunately there's never an easy answer to a question like this because there's never enough data to draw a solid conclusion. This kind of question is more of an opinion than anything else, so then it may be prudent to reform the question into something like:"Who do you think is the best martial artist in the world, and why?"
Not for martial arts purposes. There may be other reasons that they might.
The techniques that martial artist practice take a great deal of concentration. Meditation helps to clear and focus a martial artists mind so they can be develop the focus necessary to practice though's techniques.
Shaolin Kung fu
Certainly. Samurai warriors were martial artists in the truest form of the term.
The best urban artists in the world are complete unknowns, who will never be known. If they are known, it is not for their urban art - but rather for gallery pieces.
I Believe so
Because martial artists can break ice.
True martial arts is not a sport. It is true that the majority of people that practice a martial art are male. However, there is a very large population of female martial artists.