"Cap's" Boxing is now located in the heart of Brockton MA behind city hall.
Teiken Boxing Gym was created in 1926.
Check out a local boxing gym.
Go to About.com and to "boxing"/ then Search: Boxing Gyms.
the first boxing gym in the US was in El Paso Texas invented by Kevin Vasquez.
Theres Roy Jones jr gym close to downtown area.. or PBA (Pensacola Boxing Athletics) on gulf beach hwy
I think it was the 5th street gym in Miami
Century, Everlast, and Ringside are some of the companies that sell boxing pads for a home gym. Stores like Dick's Sporting Goods sell these boxing pads.
Emanuel Steward
Black Tiger Pro-Boxing Gym, 8670Miramar Road suite P 858 549-4050
Check out Derby City Martial Arts. They are a USA Boxing gym and Kelley Mays teaches boxing there. www.derbycitymartialarts.com
West Edmonton Knights Boxing Club, The Avenue Boxing Club, Cougar Boxing Club, Panther Gym Boxing Club, Wind Warriors Boxing Club, Main Event Boxing Club
You have to pay for one go to a near boxing gym and pay for one is should be 20.00 I think.