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Q: Where is boxer sent after he is injured?
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What happen to Boxer in Animal Farm?

Boxer was sent to the glue factory. (They killed him.)

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How many people have you injured?

How do you know if your boxer puppy is injured?

For starters, is your puppy limping, yelping, or doing anything else that is abnormal? If he/she is, it's more than likely injured. If I were you, I would keep an eye on your boxer for a while. Keep an eye out for anything of the sort that could prove that your puppy is injured.

What term is used when a boxer is too injured to continue fighting?

TKO - technical knock out.

What boxer defeated Thomas Hearns and sent him into retirement?

Sugar Ray Leonard

Who killed boxer in Animal Farm?

Boxer dies in Chapter Nine when the pigs sell him to a "'Alfred Simmonds, Horse Slaughterer and Glue Boiler,... Dealer in Hides and Bone-Meal." He is injured in his attempt to defend the windmill. However, Squealer weaves a brilliant and moving tail of how no expense was spared by Napoleon on Boxer's medical treatment, and that Boxer's last words praised Animal Farm in particular and Napoleon especially. This is a brilliant example of the cold and cruel exploitation of the loyal working classes and propaganda.

What happens to boxer and how do the other animals learn of his fate?

The van that arrived to pick up Boxer was label for the slaughter house. The animals were distressed until Squealer informed them Boxer had actually be sent to a hospital.

Can a kid boxer become famous?

yes if he /she is really good at it. but i do not reccomend boxing. you could get injured, loose blood, and die!

Which animals were executed in Animal Farm?

Boxer, the horse, was wounded. He worked himself so hard that he injured his lungs. He also hurt one of his hoofs. Clover fixed his hoof but Napoleon sold Boxer to the knacker after he injured his lungs. There were several animals that were killed. Snowball was injured in the Battle of the Cowshed.

How did the pigs use boxer death to get animal to work harder?

Squealerr told the other animal that Boxer was sent away and was still okay, so the other animals were all relieved and worked even he=arder in Boxer's honor.

Tragedy of Boxer in Animal Farm?

Boxer was injured because he worked too hard. After that, it was arranged that he would be sent to a veterinarian/animal hospital facility. However, Squealer, being as smart as he is, sent him off to the glue factory. He obviously died there.He was sent off to the glue factory, courtesy of the pigs, who found him unprofitable since he could not work with a broken leg.After helping with the harvest, boxer dies of fatigue. He gets sold to be made into glue.

Why was John Smith sent back London in 1609?

He was injured in a gun powder explosion