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TKO - technical knock out.

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Q: What term is used when a boxer is too injured to continue fighting?
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What does the slang term busted up mean?

Broken, in poor condition. In fighting terms: the person lost the fight badly/ they are injured.

What is a salary continuation policy?

An example of a salary continuation policy is short-term disability. It is a policy that will continue to pay a worker for a short period of time if they become injured on the job.

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What is the baseball term for injured?

on the d.l.

What does game as a bagel mean?

In the East End of London. I often heard this term used when describing a boxer. He's as game as a bagel (or Beigel as we say!). It means a boxer is brave boxer.

When will Barbara Boxers term end?

Barbara Boxer's 4th term as U.S. Senator ends in January 2017.

What is the term that refers to world war 1 means stop fighting?

Cease fire is a term that was used to mean an end to fighting in the wars. This is a universally understood term.

How many US troops were injured in Vietnam?

The term is wounded during war and injured for accidents; about 300,000 plus men.

What is the definition of the term attell?

The term 'attell' can be used in many different ways. The most likely used reference of the term would be in relation to the American boxer Abe Attell.

What is the best term for histamine?

Substance that sends more blood to an injured area.

How many terms has Barbara boxer served?

Elected in 1993 Barbara Boxer is now serving her 3rd Term as a United States Senator and before that she served 5 terms in the House of Representatives.

When does us senate term of Barbara boxer end?

Her term ends in 2010 - She needs to go and replaced with someone who actually listens and has better judgment and respect.