Rocky Marciano was born Rocco Francis Marchegiano in 1923. He became a professional boxer and held the title of World Heavyweight champion from 23rd September 1952 until April 27th 1956. He died in 1969 and is still considered one of the greatest boxers of all time.
Marciano was a brawler/swarmer who threw massive volumes of punches. He had a very strong chin, and monumental punch power in both hands. His stamina and determination were also exceptional. His speed and footwork were pretty average but being an inside fighter this didnt really matter......
Rocky Marciano
rocky marciano. and presently floyd mayweather jr. who is still boxing. i am not aware of anyone else but i am not sure as I do not follow boxing too much.
Rocky Balboa
Rocky Marciano
The one and only Rocky Marciano.
Rocky Marciano is the only heavyweight champion not to loose a fight.
Yes, Marciano won the title against Jersey Joe Walcott in 1952. He retired as champion in 1956.
He was world heavyweight boxing champion from 1952 until his retirement in '56.
Rocky Marciano was born on September 1, 1923.
Rocky Marciano was born on September 1, 1923.
Mighty Mick's Boxing Gym in Philly.
Rocky Marciano, 49-0 No! It was not Rocky Marciano, hell no !! Julio Cesar Chavez went 90 fights without losing, 70 of them by the way of KO, and only one draw.