No. There's No Place You Can Get A Cheap wrestling Ring.
buy a goat
you can you have to build them your self
You can buy it from Youth Jewellery
Um, its a ring not a trampoline. You can get a good quality ring at for a few grand.
go to and type in backyard wrestling ring there should be a link that says portable wrestling rings click on that .... By the way the lowest a ring goes for is about 1,300 dollars so i suggest build your own
You can't buy WWE real scale rings but you can buy a decent wrestling ring for about £1000-£2500. You can also buy the WWE aprons to make the ring more realistic
what you do is start practicing now on a mat or buy a wrestling ring and then go to a wrestling college and then if ur good enough they will offer u to join pro wrestling
Oh... can't. You have to buy the ring. Now I know this is a funny question but do you mean the real ring or a toy? I think it is a toy you are talking about. So no you can do that or rent the real one thank you for coming good bye!
You could buy it online.
buy a calling card that is the cheapest if you cannot afford to pay for a contract