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Q: When striking with an implement what critical element sequence allows a person to generate the most force?
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If you strike a safety match across an untreated striking surface will it light?

No, a safety match needs a specially treated striking surface to generate the necessary friction and ignite. Without the treated surface, the match will not light.

Why it is difficult to light a matchstick by striking it on a smooth surface?

A matchstick needs friction to ignite, which is provided by the rough striking surface on the matchbox or matchbook. A smooth surface lacks the abrasiveness required to generate the necessary heat to ignite the matchstick.

Why is work done in striking match?

When a match is struck, the friction between the match head and the striking surface produces heat, igniting the match head due to the heat-sensitive chemicals present. This process requires work to break the chemical bonds in the match head and generate enough heat for combustion to occur.

What events sparked the red scared in America?

Striking industrial workers-novanet

What are other uses for tennis rackets other than tennis?

A racket is a sports implement consisting of a handled frame with an open hoop across which a network of cord is stretched tightly. It is used for striking a ball in such games as squash, tennis, racquetball, and badminton

What is striking in volleyball?

striking is the same as attacking in volleyball.

What are the name of the types striking tools?

striking tools

What is striking in golf?

In the simplest terms, striking is hitting the ball.

What is the collective noun for striking laborers?

mob of striking laborers

When was Striking at the Roots created?

Striking at the Roots was created in 2008.

What are the advantages non impact printer?

Non-impact printer does not generate noise during printing because it prints images and text without striking the papers. While impact printer generates noise because it prints by striking print hammer or wheel against an inked ribbon. Non-impact printer's speed is faster and quality is higher than impact printer.

What is the duration of Striking Distance?

The duration of Striking Distance is 1.68 hours.