Karate can be traced back to an Indian Buddhist Monk in 520 AD named Durahmah who invented a training system in China to improve their physical conditioning and mental stamina. He began teaching in 525AD in china. It is said that he traveled by foot over the Himalayan Mountain Range to China and on the way studied the animals that he came across (i.e. panda, Mantis, crane, tiger, monkey... ect.)
From China Kung Fu spread to Okinawa, where the White Crane style was merged with the Okinawa Wrestling called Te. It became Karate, meaning China Hand. They changed the name to mean Empty Hand early in the 20th century. From Okinawa the art spread to Japan, then to Korea, and finally to the rest of the world.
well it depents on what karate you go to
karate karate
karate started around 1700 ad.
No Bruce Lee did not start karate. Bruce Lee studied Wing Chung Kung Fu. Karate originated several centuries ago.
Not unless it is at the start of a sentence or part of a formal name. Karate is studied in a dojo. He went to the dojo to study karate. He studies Shidokan Karate.
There are no age limits in karate. People can start their journey at any age.
yeah you can
Children typically start learning karate around the age of 5 or 6 years old.
Ralph Macchio was 23 in the first Karate Kid. He was soo Hot!
Karate doesn't have a season. It is a year round practice.
The old version or first version of Karate Kid.
Shotokan Karate was developed by Gichin Funakoshi. He was one of the first to bring Okinawan karate to Japan.