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{| |- | Because each individual is different, what is perfect for one person, doesn't work well for another. In general, low fat and high protein is important. Proper hydration is also important. And the diet will vary based on whether you are working out on a specific day. |}

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11y ago

Us "karate people" eat the same food as you do, my friend :-) But, sometimes it varies because of the country.

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11y ago

karate people eat healthy stuff for a example they eat vegetable and fruit and if they eat bad food there racing would go low or boxing would do low and they wont be able to win

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Q: What type or foods do karate people eat?
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What sort of food do karate people eat?

Karate people eat the same as everyone else, however, most karate people prefer to eat healthy so that their training doesnt go down the drain so to speak. Karate people in training prefer low carb, non fatty and high vitamin B and iron foods.

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Blood type A people are just the opposite of Blood type O people. You should avoid foods high in fat and eat low fat foods and eat more plant based type foods in your diet.

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You can eat anything else other people with different blood types eat. There is no difference in diet choices. The foods that could hurt you though are those that are unhealthy, or contain something you are allergic too.

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Where is a list of foods for people with type A blood to eat/avoid? carries a list of foods appropriate for those with type A blood. Protein powder supplement is good for those with type A blood. They should eat plenty of vegetables and avoid red meat.

Can I see pictures of the food the Chinese people eat?

go to google images and type in chinese foods.

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What foods should be eaten by people with type b blood?

Some of the foods you should eat with a B blood type is gamey foods such as rabbit, lamb, venison, etc. Eating fruits and vegetables are also great foods for your blood type along with low fat dairy.

Do people with type O blood have to eat rare foods?

People with O positive blood types do not have to eat rare foods. They should focus their diet on protein rich foods and avoid grains and dairy. They should also use legumes and fruits and vegetables in moderation.