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Q: What serves as the foundation for offensive and defensive combat power projection?
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What serves as the foundation from which offensive and defensive combat power is projected?

Sea Basing

What sport spawned from the traditional Kendo style of fighting?

A kendo style of fighting helped to spawn judo and karate and is considered a main component to their defensive stances in combat and in offensive moves against opponents.

What Defensive military alliance meant to combat Soviet aggression abbr?


How did the war change under Nixon Administration?

When President Nixon took office he changed the way the U.S. Forces approached the war, going from an offensive to a defensive approach. The protest back in the U.S. over combat deaths and civilian casualties caused Nixon to adopt a defensive strategy to hold down the number of KIAs.

What are the four combat types in Bleach?

There are the 4 Basic forms of Shinigami Combat. Kido, Zanjutsu, Hakuda and Hoho. Zanjustu is swordsmanship which every shinigami has, Hoho is shunpo and flashstep like Yoruichi and Byakuya use so much, Hakuda is Hand-to- Hand Combat like Soi Fong uses, and Kido which can be classified as either Bakudō (a defensive spell) or Hado (an offensive spell).

Where is the Combat Control School Heritage Foundation in Fayetteville North Carolina located?

The address of the Combat Control School Heritage Foundation is: 302 Stacy Weaver Drive, Fayetteville, NC 28305-5641

How did combat conditions in the US Civil War enhance the power of defense?

Combat conditions in the US Civil War greatly enhanced the power of defensive operations compared to the Napoleonic Era. For example, the increased range and accuracy of the rifle made it unnecessary for having as many as three lines of fire. One rifled line would have as much power as two lines of smooth bore muskets. The "new" defense also made cavalry charges dangerous for an assaulting army. These factors when added to defensive artillery greatly diminished offensive operations.

Is a common activity during peacetime?

Train for combat

What defensive combat threat condition indicates that an enemy attack is imminent?

FPCON Charlie is used to prepare for imminent threats of a general.

Which principle of joint operations purpose is to concentrate the effects of combat power?

Mass has the purpose to concentrate the effects of combat power at the most advantageous place and time to produce decisive results. Offensive is to seize, retain and exploit the initiative.

What shape were the Anglo Saxon shields?

The shield was a defensive item, but it was also used offensively in combat and was a status symbol to indicate warrior status.

Why is fighting on the defensive such an advantage for untrained troops?

They are not required to move. Logistics of movement while maintaining a good combat posture is very difficult.