Wada ryu karate is a form of karate that has influences from all the main styles of karate, but the only differences are in the kata's. for example, the pinan's and unsu are from Wada ryu style.
Shorin-ryu, Shotokan, Goji-ryu, kenpo, shito-ryu, wado-ryu
Okinawa Karate * Shorin Ryu * GoJu Ryu * Shito Ryu * Wado Ryu Korean Karate * Tang Soo Do * Tae Kwon Do * Hapkido Japanese Karate * Shotokan
* Shuri ryu Karate * Shorin ryu Karate
Shorei-ryu and Shorin-ryu
All ages study Uechi Ryu karate.
The web address of the Shorin Ryu Karate is: http://www.shorinryu.com
Its an Okinawan style of Karate.
The cast of Karate Hyung of Chayon-Ryu - 2010 includes: Scott Geiter as Narrator
Chitose Tsuyoshi
Chojun Miyagi
because they are the four main katas that make up Wado Ryu karate.